class T2Server::Run

An interface for easily running jobs on a Taverna 2 Server with minimal setup and configuration required.

A run can be in one of three states:



The identifier of this run on the server.


The identifier of this run on the server.


The server instance that this run is hosted on.

Public Class Methods

create(server, workflow) → run click to toggle source
create(server, workflow, connection_parameters) → run
create(server, workflow, user_credentials) → run
create(server, workflow, ...) {|run| ...}

Create a new run in the :initialized state. The run will be created on the server with address supplied by server. This can either be a String of the form or an already created instance of T2Server::Server. The workflow may be supplied as a string in t2flow format, a filename or a File or IO object. User credentials and connection parameters can be supplied if required but are both optional. If server is an instance of T2Server::Server then connection_parameters will be ignored.

This method will yield the newly created Run if a block is given.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 152
def Run.create(server, workflow, *rest)
  credentials = nil
  uri = nil
  conn_params = nil

  rest.each do |param|
    case param
    when URI
      uri = param
    when ConnectionParameters
      conn_params = param
    when HttpCredentials
      credentials = param

  # If server is not a Server object, get one.
  server =, conn_params) if server.class != Server

  # If we are not given a URI to a run then we know we need to create one.
  uri ||= server.initialize_run(workflow, credentials)

  # Create the run object and yield it if necessary.
  run = new(server, uri, credentials)
  yield(run) if block_given?

Public Instance Methods

add_keypair_credential(service_uri, filename, password, click to toggle source
alias = "Imported Certificate", type = :pkcs12) → URI

Provide a client certificate credential for the secure service at the specified URI. You will need to provide the password to unlock the private key. You will also need to provide the ‘alias’ or ‘friendlyName’ of the key you wish to use if it differs from the default. The URI of the credential on the server is returned. Only the owner of a run may supply credentials for it. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 822
def add_keypair_credential(uri, filename, password,
                           name = "Imported Certificate", type = :pkcs12)
  return unless owner?

  type = type.to_s.upcase
  contents = Base64.encode64(

  # basic uri checks
  uri = _check_cred_uri(uri)

  cred = XML::Fragments::KEYPAIR_CRED % [uri, name, contents,
    type, password]
  value = XML::Fragments::CREDENTIAL % cred

  @server.create(links[:sec_creds], value, "application/xml", @credentials)
add_password_credential(service_uri, username, password) → URI click to toggle source

Provide a username and password credential for the secure service at the specified URI. The URI of the credential on the server is returned. Only the owner of a run may supply credentials for it. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 791
def add_password_credential(uri, username, password)
  return unless owner?

  # Is this a new credential, or an update?
  cred_uri = credential(uri)

  # basic uri checks
  uri = _check_cred_uri(uri)

  cred = XML::Fragments::USERPASS_CRED % [uri, username, password]
  value = XML::Fragments::CREDENTIAL % cred

  if cred_uri.nil?
    @server.create(links[:sec_creds], value, "application/xml",
    @server.update(cred_uri, value, "application/xml", @credentials)
add_trust(filename, type = :x509) → URI click to toggle source

Add a trusted identity (server public key) to verify peers when using https connections to Web Services. The URI of the trust on the server is returned. Only the owner of a run may add a trust. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 904
def add_trust(filename, type = :x509)
  return unless owner?

  type = type.to_s.upcase

  contents = Base64.encode64(

  value = XML::Fragments::TRUST % [contents, type]
  @server.create(links[:sec_trusts], value, "application/xml", @credentials)
baclava_input = filename → true or false click to toggle source

Use a baclava file for the workflow inputs.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 458
def baclava_input=(filename)
  state = status
  raise, :initialized) if state != :initialized

  file = upload_file(filename)
  result = @server.update(links[:baclava], file, "text/plain", @credentials)

  @baclava_in = true if result

baclava_input? → true or false click to toggle source

Have the inputs to this run been set by a baclava document?

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 498
def baclava_input?
baclava_output → string click to toggle source
baclava_output(filename) → fixnum
baclava_output(stream) → fixnum
baclava_output {|chunk| ...}

Get the outputs of this run in baclava format. This can only be done if the output has been requested in baclava format by set_baclava_output before starting the run.

Calling this method with no parameters will simply return a blob of XML data. Providing a filename will stream the data directly to that file and return the number of bytes written. Passing in an object that has a write method (for example, an instance of File or IO) will stream the XML data directly to that object and return the number of bytes that were streamed. Passing in a block will allow access to the underlying data stream:

run.baclava_output do |chunk|
  print chunk

Raises RunStateError if the run has not finished running.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 542
def baclava_output(param = nil, &block)
  raise ArgumentError,
    'both a parameter and block given for baclava_output' if param && block

  state = status
  raise, :finished) if state != :finished

  raise"baclava output") if !@baclava_out

  baclava_uri = Util.append_to_uri_path(links[:wdir], BACLAVA_FILE)
  download_or_stream(param, baclava_uri, "*/*", &block)
create_time → string click to toggle source

Get the creation time of this run as an instance of class Time.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 691
def create_time
  Time.parse([:createtime], "text/plain", @credentials))
credential(service_uri) → URI click to toggle source

Return the URI of the credential set for the supplied service, if any. Only the owner of a run may query its credentials. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 867
def credential(uri)
  return unless owner?

credentials → hash click to toggle source

Return a hash (service_uri => credential_uri) of all the credentials provided for this run. Only the owner of a run may query its credentials. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 845
def credentials
  return unless owner?

  creds = {}
  doc = xml_document([:sec_creds], "application/xml",

  xpath_find(doc, @@xpaths[:sec_cred]).each do |c|
    uri = URI.parse(xml_node_content(xpath_first(c, @@xpaths[:sec_suri])))
    cred_uri = URI.parse(xml_node_attribute(c, "href"))
    creds[uri] = cred_uri

delete click to toggle source

Delete this run from the server.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 227
def delete
  @server.delete(@uri, @credentials)
  @deleted = true
delete_all_credentials → true or false click to toggle source

Delete all credentials associated with this workflow run. Only the owner of a run may delete its credentials. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 891
def delete_all_credentials
  return unless owner?

  @server.delete(links[:sec_creds], @credentials)
delete_all_trusts → true or false click to toggle source

Delete all trusted identities associated with this workflow run. Only the owner of a run may delete its trusts. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 955
def delete_all_trusts
  return unless owner?

  @server.delete(links[:sec_trusts], @credentials)
delete_credential(service_uri) → true or false click to toggle source

Delete the credential that has been provided for the specified service. Only the owner of a run may delete its credentials. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 879
def delete_credential(uri)
  return unless owner?

  @server.delete(credentials[uri], @credentials)
delete_trust(URI) → true or false click to toggle source

Delete the trust with the provided URI. Only the owner of a run may delete its trusts. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 943
def delete_trust(uri)
  return unless owner?

  @server.delete(uri, @credentials)
deleted? → true or false click to toggle source

Has this run been deleted from the server?

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 236
def deleted?
error? → true or false click to toggle source

Are there errors in this run’s outputs? Returns false if the run is not finished yet.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 677
def error?
  return false unless finished?

  output_ports.values.each do |output|
    return true if output.error?

exitcode → fixnum click to toggle source

Get the return code of the run. Zero indicates success.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 369
def exitcode[:exitcode], "text/plain", @credentials).to_i
expiry → string click to toggle source

Return the expiry time of this run as an instance of class Time.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 281
def expiry
  Time.parse([:expiry], "text/plain", @credentials))
expiry = time → true or false click to toggle source

Set the expiry time of this run to time. time should either be a Time object or something that the Time class can parse. If the value given does not specify a date then today’s date will be assumed. If a time/date in the past is specified, the expiry time will not be changed.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 292
def expiry=(time)
  unless time.instance_of? Time
    time = Time.parse(time)

  # need to massage the xmlschema format slightly as the server cannot
  # parse timezone offsets with a colon (eg +00:00)
  date_str = time.xmlschema(2)
  date_str = date_str[0..-4] + date_str[-2..-1]
  @server.update(links[:expiry], date_str, "text/plain", @credentials)
finish_time → string click to toggle source

Get the finish time of this run as an instance of class Time.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 707
def finish_time
  Time.parse([:finishtime], "text/plain", @credentials))
finished? → true or false click to toggle source

Is this run in the :finished state?

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 668
def finished?
  status == :finished
generate_baclava_output → true or false click to toggle source

Set the server to save the outputs of this run in baclava format. This must be done before the run is started.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 475
def generate_baclava_output
  return if @baclava_out
  state = status
  raise, :initialized) if state != :initialized

  @baclava_out = @server.update(links[:output], BACLAVA_FILE, "text/plain",
generate_baclava_output? → true or false click to toggle source

Has this run been set to return results in baclava format?

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 506
def generate_baclava_output?
generate_provenance(toggle = true) → true or false click to toggle source

Toggle the generation of provenance for this run on or off. This must be done before the run is started. Once the run has completed provenance can be retrieved with #provenance.

Requesting baclava output for a run will override this setting.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 563
def generate_provenance(toggle = true)
  return @provenance if @provenance == toggle || links[:gen_prov].nil?
  state = status
  raise, :initialized) if state != :initialized

  result = @server.update(links[:gen_prov], toggle.to_s, "text/plain",

  # If changing the setting worked then return the new setting, otherwise
  # return the old one.
  @provenance = result ? toggle : @provenance
generate_provenance? → true or false click to toggle source

Has this run been set to generate provenance output?

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 580
def generate_provenance?
grant_permission(username, permission) → username click to toggle source

Grant the user the stated permission. A permission can be one of :none, :read, :update or :destroy. Only the owner of a run may grant permissions on it. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 730
def grant_permission(username, permission)
  return unless owner?

  value = XML::Fragments::PERM_UPDATE % [username, permission.to_s]
  @server.create(links[:sec_perms], value, "application/xml", @credentials)
initialized? → true or false click to toggle source

Is this run in the :initialized state?

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 652
def initialized?
  status == :initialized
input_port(port) → port click to toggle source

Get port.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 252
def input_port(port)
input_ports → hash click to toggle source

Return a hash (name, port) of all the input ports this run expects.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 244
def input_ports
  @input_ports ||= _get_input_port_info
log → string click to toggle source
log(filename) → fixnum
log(stream) → fixnum
log {|chunk| ...}

Get the internal Taverna Server log from this run.

Calling this method with no parameters will simply return a text string. Providing a filename will stream the data directly to that file and return the number of bytes written. Passing in an object that has a write method (for example, an instance of File or IO) will stream the text directly to that object and return the number of bytes that were streamed. Passing in a block will allow access to the underlying data stream:

run.log do |chunk|
  print chunk
# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 407
def log(param = nil, &block)
  raise ArgumentError,
    'both a parameter and block given for baclava_output' if param && block

  download_or_stream(param, links[:logfile], "text/plain", &block)
mkdir(dir) → true or false click to toggle source

Create a directory in the run’s working directory on the server. This could be used to store input data.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 419
def mkdir(dir)
  dir = Util.strip_path_slashes(dir)

  @server.mkdir(links[:wdir], dir, @credentials)
name → String click to toggle source

Get the name of this run.

Initially this name is derived by Taverna Server from the name annotation in the workflow file and the time at which the run was initialized. It can be set with the name= method.

For Taverna Server versions prior to version 2.5.0 this is a no-op and the empty string is returned for consistency.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 200
def name
  return "" if links[:name].nil?[:name], "text/plain", @credentials)
name = new_name → bool click to toggle source

Set the name of this run. true is returned upon success. The maximum length of names supported by the server is 48 characters. Anything longer than 48 characters will be truncated before upload.

Initially this name is derived by Taverna Server from the name annotation in the workflow file and the time at which the run was initialized.

For Taverna Server versions prior to version 2.5.0 this is a no-op but true is still returned for consistency.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 218
def name=(name)
  return true if links[:name].nil?
  @server.update(links[:name], name[0...48], "text/plain", @credentials)
notifications(type = :new_requests) → array click to toggle source

Poll the server for notifications and return them in a list. Returns the empty list if there are none, or if the server does not support the Interaction Service.

The type parameter is used to select which types of notifications are returned as follows:

  • :requests - Interaction requests.

  • :replies - Interaction replies.

  • :new_requests - Interaction requests that are new since the last time they were polled (default).

  • :all - All interaction requests and replies.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 1019
def notifications(type = :new_requests)
  return [] if links[:feed].nil?

  @interaction_reader ||=

  if type == :new_requests
output_port(port) → port click to toggle source

Get output port port.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 273
def output_port(port)
  output_ports[port] if finished?
output_ports → hash click to toggle source

Return a hash (name, port) of all the output ports this run has. Until the run is finished this method will return nil.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 261
def output_ports
  if finished? && @output_ports.nil?
    @output_ports = _get_output_port_info

owner → string click to toggle source

Get the username of the owner of this run. The owner is the user who created the run on the server.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 185
def owner
  @owner ||= _get_run_owner
owner? → true or false click to toggle source

Are the credentials being used to access this run those of the owner? The owner of the run can give other users certain access rights to their runs but only the owner can change these rights - or even see what they are. Sometimes it is useful to know if the user accessing the run is actually the owner of it or not.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 719
def owner?
  @credentials.username == owner
permission(username) → permission click to toggle source

Return the permission granted to the supplied username, if any. Only the owner of a run may query its permissions. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 765
def permission(username)
  return unless owner?

  permissions[username] || :none
permissions → hash click to toggle source

Return a hash (username => permission) of all the permissions set for this run. Only the owner of a run may query its permissions. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 743
def permissions
  return unless owner?

  perms = {}
  doc = xml_document([:sec_perms], "application/xml",

  xpath_find(doc, @@xpaths[:sec_perm]).each do |p|
    user = xml_node_content(xpath_first(p, @@xpaths[:sec_uname]))
    perm = xml_node_content(xpath_first(p, @@xpaths[:sec_uperm])).to_sym
    perms[user] = perm

provenance → binary blob click to toggle source
provenance(filename) → fixnum
provenance(stream) → fixnum
provenance {|chunk| ...}

Get the provenance of this run from the server in zip format.

Calling this method with no parameters will simply return a blob of zipped data. Providing a filename will stream the data directly to that file and return the number of bytes written. Passing in an object that has a write method (for example, an instance of File or IO) will stream the data directly to that object and return the number of bytes that were streamed. Passing in a block will allow access to the underlying data stream:

run.provenance do |chunk|
  print chunk

Raises RunStateError if the run has not finished running.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 604
def provenance(param = nil, &block)
  raise ArgumentError,
    'both a parameter and block given for provenance' if param && block

  state = status
  raise, :finished) if state != :finished

  raise"provenance") unless @provenance
  download_or_stream(param, links[:run_bundle], "*/*", &block)
revoke_permission(username) → true or false click to toggle source

Revoke whatever permissions that have been granted to the user. Only the owner of a run may revoke permissions on it. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 777
def revoke_permission(username)
  return unless owner?

  uri = Util.append_to_uri_path(links[:sec_perms], username)
  @server.delete(uri, @credentials)
running? → true or false click to toggle source

Is this run in the :running state?

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 660
def running?
  status == :running
start → true or false click to toggle source

Start this run on the server. Returns true if the run was started, false otherwise.

Raises RunStateError if the run is not in the :initialized state.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 333
def start
  state = status
  raise, :initialized) if state != :initialized

  # set all the inputs
  _check_and_set_inputs unless baclava_input?

    @server.update(links[:status], Status.to_text(:running), "text/plain",
  rescue ServerAtCapacityError => sace
start_time → string click to toggle source

Get the start time of this run as an instance of class Time.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 699
def start_time
  Time.parse([:starttime], "text/plain", @credentials))
status → string click to toggle source

Get the status of this run. Status can be one of :initialized, :running or :finished.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 321
def status
  return :deleted if @deleted
  Status.to_sym([:status], "text/plain", @credentials))
stderr → string click to toggle source

Get anything that the run printed to the standard error stream.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 385
def stderr[:stderr], "text/plain", @credentials)
stdout → string click to toggle source

Get anything that the run printed to the standard out stream.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 377
def stdout[:stdout], "text/plain", @credentials)
trusts → array click to toggle source

Return a list of all the URIs of trusts that have been registered for this run. At present there is no way to differentiate between trusts without noting the URI returned when originally uploaded. Only the owner of a run may query its trusts. nil is returned if a user other than the owner uses this method.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 923
def trusts
  return unless owner?

  t_uris = []
  doc = xml_document([:sec_trusts], "application/xml",

  xpath_find(doc, @@xpaths[:sec_trust]). each do |t|
    t_uris << URI.parse(xml_node_attribute(t, "href"))

upload_data(data, remote_name, remote_directory = "") → true or false click to toggle source

Upload data to the server and store it in remote_file. The remote directory to put this file in can also be specified, but if it is it must first have been created by a call to #mkdir.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 449
def upload_data(data, remote_name, remote_directory = "")
  location_uri = Util.append_to_uri_path(links[:wdir], remote_directory)
  @server.upload_data(data, remote_name, location_uri, @credentials)
upload_file(filename, params={}) → string click to toggle source

Upload a file, with name filename, to the server. Possible values that can be passed in via params are:

  • :dir - The directory to upload to. If this is not left blank the corresponding directory will need to have been created by #mkdir.

  • :rename - Save the file on the server with a different name.

The name of the file on the server is returned.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 435
def upload_file(filename, params={})
  location = params[:dir] || ""
  uri = Util.append_to_uri_path(links[:wdir], location)
  rename = params[:rename] || ""
  file_uri = @server.upload_file(filename, uri, rename, @credentials)
wait(check_interval = 1) click to toggle source

Wait (block) for this run to finish. How often (in seconds) the run is tested for completion can be specified with check_interval.

Raises RunStateError if the run is still in the :initialized state.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 355
def wait(interval = 1)
  state = status
  raise, :running) if state == :initialized

  # wait
  until finished?
workflow → string click to toggle source

Get the workflow that this run represents.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 308
def workflow
  if @workflow == ""
    @workflow =[:workflow], "application/xml",
zip_output → binary blob click to toggle source
zip_output(filename) → fixnum
zip_output(stream) → fixnum
zip_output {|chunk| ...}

Get the working directory of this run directly from the server in zip format.

Calling this method with no parameters will simply return a blob of zipped data. Providing a filename will stream the data directly to that file and return the number of bytes written. Passing in an object that has a write method (for example, an instance of File or IO) will stream the zip data directly to that object and return the number of bytes that were streamed. Passing in a block will allow access to the underlying data stream:

run.zip_output do |chunk|
  print chunk

Raises RunStateError if the run has not finished running.

# File lib/t2-server/run.rb, line 636
def zip_output(param = nil, port = "", &block)
  raise ArgumentError,
    "both a parameter and block given for zip_output" if param && block

  state = status
  raise, :finished) if state != :finished

  path = port.empty? ? "out" : "out/#{port}"
  output_uri = Util.append_to_uri_path(links[:wdir], path)
  download_or_stream(param, output_uri, "application/zip", &block)